Windsurfing Rental/Coaching Session


10 Jun    
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Bookings closed


Harbour Beach, Zug
Hafenplatz , Zug, Zug, 6300

Event Type

For those of you who have tried windsurfing in the past and would like the opportunity to get out and practice with some coaching/supervision, we will bring the Swiss Alpine Adventure/Wannabe Watersports to the lake for you to enjoy a relaxed Friday evening practising your windsurfing skills.

Learn Windsurfing

Our equipment is stable and easy to progress on.

Equipment will be available from 6 pm (or maybe even a little before) until about 20:30 when we will need to get the equipment off the water to try and ensure that we can pack it up with some light left.

Windsurfing Lake Zug

We can offer sail sizes from 3.2m to 6.5m depending on experience levels and wind strength. It would be great if you could let us know your rough experience level in the comments box when registering for the event so we can ensure that we bring the correct sail size for you.

Who is this for?

This is for anyone who has already tried windsurfing but either has no access to equipment or does not feel confident yet to go windsurfing independently. We will provide Wetsuits and Buoyancy aids, help you get in and out of the water with the equipment and provide some coaching to help you progress during the session. If you have not windsurfed before but would like to try it then perhaps our Learn 2 Windsurf Weekend is just right for you.


We will provide inflatable windsurf boards from STX which provide a stable platform for you to improve your skills. We have sails from 3.2m to 6.5m in a number of size increments to ensure that we can provide you with the equipment that suits your ability best.

If you would rather Stand Up Paddle (SUP) then let us know. We have a couple of SUP boards we can bring along if one person wants to windsurf and the other SUP.

Windsurfing Equipment

Some of our rental/coaching equipment


Bookings are closed for this event.




Wannabe Watersports is the watersports division of Swiss Alpine Adventure. All equipment for watersports events is provided through Wannabe Watersports and we offer excellent prices for watersports equipment for Swiss Alpine Adventure members.


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