Dave is an Irishman, according to some members probably the only Irishman who doesn't drink Guinness, whiskey or in fact any other alcohol at all. Dave's background is in windsurfing, he is an accomplished watersports enthusiast who has windsurfed all over the world in locations such as Hawaii, Brazil, & Cape Verde to name a few. Dave is also an experienced watersports instructor with a passion for all outdoor sports.
Dave moved to Switzerland in 2004 to work in a large Orthopaedic Hospital in Zurich. Being a land locked country Switzerland could not offer the same challenges as the Irish or Hawaiian coast when windsurfing, but not being one to sit around he started to explore the stunning Swiss Alps and found a unique culture of outdoor sports on offer. Mountain biking as we know it today in the area was in it's infancy but has since grown at an exponential rate with the backing of tourism and some awesome trails on offer. It wasn't long before friends and friends of friends started to come along for the ride and hence Swiss Alpine Adventure (SAA) was born.
Dave now runs SAA in his spare time which has grown to over 3000 members, he is not only a qualified Swiss Mountain bike guide but has also worked as a Mountain Bike Guide instructor and examiner for Swiss Cycling.
In winter the club has now expanded into what the Alps is most famous for, winter sports. The club uses qualified organisations to lead all sorts of winter activities.