Swiss Outdoor Sports events for an international audience
Swiss Alpine Adventure started shortly after our founder, Dave, moved to Switzerland and started to spend more and more time exploring the Alps on his mountain bike. Before long people started to join him on his adventures and a community started to grow. Now, almost 15 years down the road Swiss Alpine Adventure has organised more than 1000 outdoor sports events and attracted more than 3500 members to our meetup group.

Our community is not about performance, race results or proving yourself. It’s not about being the first to the top of a climb or being the fastest down a trail. It’s about sharing the childlike wonderment we once had when we learned how to turn the pedals on our bike.

For many of us, bikes gave us our first taste of independence and the freedom to explore our own neighbourhood. It’s exactly this sense of adventure we want our members to find again. We want to wake up your inner childhood curiosity and ask what is on the other side of that hill or around the next corner.
Enjoy the Ride
Swiss Alpine Adventure wants you to “Enjoy the Ride” and share it with friends. There is no proving anything in terms of fitness or performance. On any activity, our main philosophies are that no one gets left behind and activities are at a sociable pace. Our aim is to have everyone finish the day with a smile on their face.
Over the years Swiss Alpine Adventure has grown and in winter we now have at least as many activities as in summer. Since 2010 we have been organising avalanche safety training, one-day skitours and a number of off-piste weekends. Once again the focus is on participation and enjoyment rather than the performance.

More recently, we have also been getting out on the lakes of Switzerland thanks to our partner Wannabe Watersports. Activities such as Stand Up Paddle, Sailing and Windsurfing can now also be found on our calendar. So if you like any sort of outdoor sports you should find something on our calendar that might interest you.
For the most up-to-date news on what we are up to follow our Facebook page. If you’d like to join us on our adventures then check out our events page or get involved with our forum to share your Swiss Alpine Adventures with our community.
Enjoy the Ride